CocaLola's Journal

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08 January 2020

08 January 2020

SUPER HAPPY I started with FatSecret. For the first time in years I feel I can achieve a healthy lifestyle and long term weight loss. All the comments have helped me so much!! Thank you to each and every member for taking the time to support me. xxx

I have had a total mindset change!!! I am a calorie counter. The only thing that has ever worked for me. I love logging my food and seeing what I am putting into my body, so making much better choices.

One perception I have changed and is really helping me at this point in time is not to focus too much on my daily calorie intake, but my weekly intake. THIS has helped me so much to stick to a restricted calorie diet.

I love to stick to "the book" to a T and that is the main cause of my failure time after time after time. Once I fail to stick to the book 100% for a day, I give up completely. Looking at my calorie intake on a weekly basis and focusing on a week instead of a day is really so much easier to maintain. I restrict my diet so much; I set myself up to fail and that I have come to realize after reading all the comments. THANK YOU GUYS & GIRLS!

I now focus on my weekly calorie intake and deficit, instead of my daily intake & deficit. Doing this makes me feel so much more motivated & positive that I will succeed this time around. STILL cutting out complex carbs as much as possible and limiting my sugar intake. (STILL NO JUNK FOOD etc etc.) Still allowing myself to have my fruit I SO LOVE and miss. Still watching the sugar & carb content though, BUT ALLOWING MYSELF FRUIT!

This is creating a lifestyle I KNOW I will be able to maintain. If you know from the start you will never keep to "the rules" you create, there really is no point in torturing yourself. Inevitably you will lose the weight, just to put it back on again.


06 January 2020

I went grocery shopping today. WOW, was that challenging. I don't live in the city and don't really have easy access to a variety of chocolates, chips, sweets, ice cream etc etc *Lucky me, hey!* But I had to go shopping for this week's meals as I do much better if I plan my meals in advance.

SO... off I go shopping. Coaching myself on the drive there: "Get what you NEED and get out! Make it FAST!"

Great, I can do this. All went well, until I got to the cashier. Standing in line, off course there are all the chocolate bars, RIGHT IN MY FACE! "Just don't look at them." I tell myself. But that damn Crunchie is calling me man.

So right then and there I look at that Crunchie and said. CRUNCHIE, NO!

Every time I say NO to you and your friends, I SAY YES TO MYSELF.

YES to a better me.
YES to a healthier me.
YES to a thinner me.
YES to a happier me!

06 January 2020

Good Morning my fellow losers (tongue in cheek)

So I woke up at 5am this morning. My normal time to wake up, between 5am and 6am. The issue is not waking up early, IT'S GETTING UP EARLY!!!!

One of my changes this year is to go to bed at 10pm and wake up at 6am. BOTH are huge problems for me. Then this morning I tried to convince myself to get up and take a bike ride. "YEAH RIGHT LOLA, you have to convince yourself to take a shower before 8am, now you want to exercise 6am in the morning?" This is exactly how I set myself up for failure!!!!! "Lets just work on getting you out of bed in the morning FIRST!" I don't have any dependents, as my son is grown and lives on his own. I feed all the animals before I leave for work, just before 9am. My shop opens at 9am, so there is really no reason (in my mind) to get up at 6am every morning. Even though I do wake up at 6am, I will literally lie in bed working on my laptop (doing admin etc) until at least 7:30 - 8am. How on God's green earth do I think I will just miraculously get up one morning and WANT TO do exercise? (rolling eyes) What will happen is that after day 3 of not getting up and doing exercise I will feel like a total failure for not exercising every morning (like I inevitably would like to do) and I would just quit on every change and go back to my bad old ways.

Too much change too fast will cause complete failure. I have at least 20 years of bad habits to change and it is not going to happen over night no matter HOW strong willed and strong minded you are.


Keep moving forward, no matter how small the step.
That one little step means you are MOVING!

Apart from continuing to cut fizzy sugary drinks from my diet, being more physically active on a daily basis (even if it means sweeping the kitchen floor daily), this week's step is going to be to go to bed at 10pm and GETTING UP at 6am. (All while still sticking to a calorie restricted diet too).

05 January 2020

So, new year, new goals, dreams & aspirations.

I am so tired of letting myself down year, after year, after year.
Just growing in size year, after year, after year. I have really had enough now.
I am turning 47 this year and would absolutely love to look amazing on my 50th birthday. That is 3 years off and the reason I am saying that,

How did I get like this? SUGAR! SUGAR! SUGAR! I honestly dont eat a lot, but I drink a lot of soda! On a good day it could be between 2 to 4 liters!!!!! THAT IS HOW I GOT THIS FAT! Then in my mid 40s I developed a sweet tooth, eating a chocolate a day AT LEAST! Mostly drinking my calories. My cholesterol is through the roof at 11.9, which caused me to be on cholesterol medication, which has all these nasty side effects. :(

What really irritates me about myself is that I am a very successful business owner and making success of a business to me is second nature, but I cannot for the life of me lose this weight. I can do the impossible, but I struggle with the possible.

Today was my 3rd day without ANY sodas, but I did have 2-3 cups of coffee, 1 sugar per cup, each day, just to help me through the worst. I am not a big coffee drinker, but the coffee has definitely curbed my cravings and kept me full.

I have also cut my complex carbs, but still had some simple carbs like some fruit, vegetable and milk in my coffee.

For me, JUST TO GET RID OF THE SUGAR IN MY DIET IS A HUGE WIN! THAT is my main goal for January, TO STOP DRINKING MY CALORIES and drinking myself FAT!

I have added some resistance training to my days too and try to be more active around the house with chores etc.

Tomorrow is back to work. WISH ME LUCK!
Weight: Lost so far: Still to go: Diet followed:
104 kg 0 kg 25 kg Not Applicable

CocaLola's Weight History

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